Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Kehilangan Sahabat Karib

Memiliki sahabat karib terbukti memiliki dampak yang besar pada hidup kita, bahkan lebih besar dari yang kita bayangkan. Menurut pendiri situs pertemanan Girlfriendology, Debba Hauper, sebuah riset menunjukan bahwa persahabatan khususnya dengan wanita akan membuat Anda lebih sehat, bahagia, berkurang stres, dan terlihat lebih menarik. Namun kehilangan sahabat bisa menjadi sebuah pengalaman yang menyedihkan dan membuat kita merasa kesepian.
Berikut adalah hal-hal yang menjadi penyebab hilangnya sebuah persahabatan:

1. Tinggal di tempat yang berjauhan. Ketika salah satu dari Anda pindah kota untuk melanjutkan sekolah atau pekerjaan, hal ini membatasi waktu untuk bertemu. Namun hal ini bisa diatasi asalkan kedua pihak masih memiliki komitmen untuk menjaga hubungan tetap berjalan lancar. Anda tinggal mengangkat telepon, lalu berjanji untuk bertemu di suatu tempat.

2. Bertambahnya usia. Seiring bertambahnya umur, karier Anda makin menunjukkan kejelasan, dan masing-masing mulai memiliki pasangan, bukan tak mungkin kesamaan itu mulai terkikis perlahan. Namun hal ini tidak harus menyebabkan berakhirnya persahabatan yang erat karena memiliki seorang sahabat karib membuat Anda merasa memiliki seseorang dan menjaga jati diri Anda.

3. Masalah. Perbedaan pandangan atau pengkhianatan bisa memecahkan persahabatan yang terlihat sangat erat sekalipun. Akan lebih baik jika masing-masing belajar untuk melupakan dan memaafkan kesalahan atau pengkhianatan yang masih bisa ditolerir. Namun dibutuhkan waktu menghilangkan ganjalan di dalam hati.

4. Salah satu menikah. Anda atau sahabat Anda menikahi seorang pria yang tidak menyukai persahabatan Anda.

Ketika Anda menghadapi hal-hal di atas, Anda masih bisa menyelamatkan persahabatan Anda. Persahabatan seharusnya bisa memaafkan dan fleksibel. Sebuah persahabatan sangat penting bagi Anda.

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Kadal dikadalin

Pagi tadi kira-kira jam 8-an, ada seorang pria yang menelepon saya dengan no. HP 081353543849, dia mengaku dari Telkomsel.
Dia bertanya-tanya tentang rawannya penipuan undian berhadiah yang mengatas namakan Tekomsel, apakah saya merespond atau tidak..
awalnya saya bingung, kenapa dia tanya-tanya seperti itu..
tapi, kemudian dia bilang dalam rangka ulang tahun telkomsel saya mendapatkan urutan yang ke-7 dari 9 pemenang undian yang mendapatkan sebuah sepeda motor Yamaha MIO dan uang tunai sebesar Rp 5.750.000,- tanpa dipungut biaya sepeser pun, termasuk pajak juga ditanggung oleh pihak Telkomsel.
dan saya disuruh menghubungi no. 081343771821, atas nama Bpk. Drs. H. Indra Kusuma..
dan anehnya, dia berkata jangan beritahu teman-teman ataupun saudara sebelum hadiah tersebut ada di tangan, karena, takutnya no. telkomsel saya digandakan oleh orang lain.
lalu, karena saya jadi bingung..
saya pun cerita dengan teman kerja saya..
saya ceritakan semuanya,,
dia pun takut saya terhipnotis, padahal tidak sama sekali.
akhirnya teman saya yang menghubungi no. itu langsung dengan maksud ingin tahu kebenarannya seperti apa...
awalnya kata-katanya meyakinkan kami, tapi lama kelamaan makin mencurigakan, karena teman saya ini selalu bertanya-tanya kapan akan diantar hadiahnya (seakan-akan ingin sekali hadiah itu, padahal lg ngerjain orang itu)...
Bpk Drs H. Indra Kusuma mengatakan bahwa dia sedang dalam perjalanan, tetapi teman saya curiga koq ga nyampe2...
kami benar2 yakin kalau mereka memakai modus penipuan yang baru untuk menipu orang-orang...
karena setelah telepon yang pertama kami membuka situs internet melalui google, mencari kebenaran undian tekomsel tersebut, tetapi tidak ada..
lalu kami mencari nama Bpk. Drs. H. Indra Kusuma melalui google..
ternyata namanya tercantum sebagai penipu undian berhadiah..
dia pernah menipu mengatas namakan XL, kini saya ditipu, dan dia mengatas namakan telkomsel...
untung saya tidak tertipu...
teman saya bilang, "Kadal mau dikadalin, nanti kita kerjain balik dia"
so,, hati-hati lah...
modus penipuan banyak sekarang..
ga lewat SMS ataupun telepon...

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Efek Bahaya Asap Rokok Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia - Akibat Sebatang Rokok Racun, Ketagihan, Candu, Buang Uang Dan Dosa

Efek Bahaya Asap Rokok Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia - Akibat Sebatang Rokok Racun, Ketagihan, Candu, Buang Uang Dan Dosa

Rokok adalah benda beracun yang memberi efek santai dan sugesti merasa lebih jantan. Di balik kegunaan atau manfaat rokok yang secuil itu terkandung bahaya yang sangat besar bagi orang yang merokok maupun orang di sekitar perokok yang bukan perokok.

1. Asap rokok mengandung kurang lebih 4000 bahan kimia yang 200 diantaranya beracun dan 43 jenis lainnya dapat menyebabkan kanker bagi tubuh. Beberapa zat yang sangat berbahaya yaitu tar, nikotin, karbon monoksida, dsb.

2. Asap rokok yang baru mati di asbak mengandung tiga kali lipat bahan pemicu kanker di udara dan 50 kali mengandung bahan pengeiritasi mata dan pernapasan. Semakin pendek rokok semakin tinggi kadar racun yang siap melayang ke udara. Suatu tempat yang dipenuhi polusi asap rokok adalah tempat yang lebih berbahaya daripada polusi di jalanan raya yang macet.

3. Seseorang yang mencoba merokok biasanya akan ketagihan karena rokok bersifat candu yang sulit dilepaskan dalam kondisi apapun. Seorang perokok berat akan memilih merokok daripada makan jika uang yang dimilikinya terbatas.

4. Harga rokok yang mahal akan sangat memberatkan orang yang tergolong miskin, sehingga dana kesejahteraan dan kesehatan keluarganya sering dialihkan untuk membeli rokok. Rokok dengan merk terkenal biasanya dimiliki oleh perusahaan rokok asing yang berasal dari luar negeri, sehingga uang yang dibelanjakan perokok sebagaian akan lari ke luar negeri yang mengurangi devisa negara. Pabrik rokok yang mempekerjakan banyak buruh tidak akan mampu meningkatkan taraf hidup pegawainya, sehingga apabila pabrik rokok ditutup para buruh dapat dipekerjakan di tempat usaha lain yang lebih kreatif dan mendatangkan devisa.

5. Sebagian perokok biasanya akan mengajak orang lain yang belum merokok untuk merokok agar merasakan penderitaan yang sama dengannya, yaitu terjebak dalam ketagihan asap rokok yang jahat. Sebagian perokok juga ada yang secara sengaja merokok di tempat umum agar asap rokok yang dihembuskan dapat terhirup orang lain, sehingga orang lain akan terkena penyakit kanker.

6. Kegiatan yang merusak tubuh adalah perbuatan dosa, sehingga rokok dapat dikategorikan sebagai benda atau barang haram yang harus dihindari dan dijauhi sejauh mungkin. Ulama atau ahli agama yang merokok mungkin akan memiliki persepsi yang berbeda dalam hal ini.

Kesimpulan :

Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa merokok merupakan kegiatan bodoh yang dilakukan manusia yang mengorbankan uang, kesehatan, kehidupan sosial, pahala, persepsi positif, dan lain sebagainya. Maka bersyukurlah anda jika belum merokok, karena anda adalah orang yang smart / pandai.

Ketika seseorang menawarkan rokok maka tolak dengan baik. Merasa kasihanlah pada mereka yang merokok. Jangan dengarkan mereka yang menganggap anda lebih rendah dari mereka jika tidak ikutan ngerokok. karena dalam hati dan pikiran mereka yang waras mereka ingin berhenti merokok.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009



Where did it come from?

Where is it going?

In many countries of the world, the celebration of Christmas on December 25th is a high point of the year. But why? Can it have any real meaning for us today? Is there a 'real' Christmas message?

Christmas celebrations in the West today

From November onwards, it is impossible to forget that Christmas is coming. Coloured lights decorate many town centres and shops, along with shiny decorations, and artificial snow painted on shop windows.

In streets and shops, 'Christmas trees' (real or plastic evergreen 'conifer' trees) will also be decorated with lights and Christmas ornaments.

Toast Glasses
Shopping centres become busier as December approaches and often stay open till late.Shopping centre speaker systems systems will play Christmas 'carols' - the traditional Christmas Christian songs, and groups of people will often sing carols on the streets to raise money for charity. Most places of work will hold a short Christmas party about a week before Christmas. Although traditional Christmas foods may be eaten, drink (and plenty of it) means that little work will be done after the party!

By mid-December, most homes will also be decorated with Christmas trees, coloured lights and paper or plastic decorations around the rooms. These days, many more people also decorate garden trees or house walls with coloured electric lights, a habit which has long been popular in USA.

Christmas Tree
In many countries, most people post Christmas greeting cards to their friends and family, and these cards will be hung on the walls of their homes. In UK this year, the British Post Office expects to handle over 100 million cards EACH DAY, in the three weeks before Christmas.
Christmas cards

The custom of sending Christmas cards started in Britain in 1840 when the first 'Penny Post' public postal deliveries began. (Helped by the new railway system, the public postal service was the 19th century's communication revolution, just as email is for us today.) As printing methods improved, Christmas cards were produced in large numbers from about 1860. They became even more popular in Britain when a card could be posted in an unsealed envelope for one half-penny - half the price of an ordinary letter.

Traditionally, Christmas cards showed religious pictures - Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, or other parts of the Christmas story. Today, pictures are often jokes, winter pictures, Father Christmas, or romantic scenes of life in past times.

Christmas Cards
Father Christmas The old man with the sack

'Father Christmas' (or 'Santa Claus') has become the human face of Christmas. Pictures will be seen everywhere of the old man with long white beard, red coat, and bag of toys. Children are taught that he brings them presents the night before Christmas (or in some countries on December 6th - St. Nicholas' Day), and many children up to the age of 7 or 8 really believe this is true. In most countries, it is said that he lives near the North Pole, and arrives through the sky on a sledge (snow-cart) pulled by reindeer. He comes into houses down the chimney at midnight and places presents for the children in socks or bags by their beds or in front of the family Christmas tree.

In shops or at children's parties, someone will dress up as Father Christmas and give small presents to children, or ask them what gifts they want for Christmas. Christmas can be a time of magic and excitement for children.

Who was he?

Father Christmas is based on a real person, St. Nicholas, which explains his other name 'Santa Claus' which comes from the Dutch 'Sinterklaas'. Nicholas was a Christian leader from Myra (in modern-day Turkey) in the 4th century AD. He was very shy, and wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it. It is said that one day, he climbed the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney. It landed in the stocking which a girl had put to dry by the fire! This may explain the belief that Father Christmas comes down the chimney and places gifts in children's stockings.

Boxing Day

In English-speaking countries, the day following Christmas Day is called 'Boxing Day'. This word comes from the custom which started in the Middle Ages around 800 years ago: churches would open their 'alms boxe' (boxes in which people had placed gifts of money) and distribute the contents to poor people in the neighbourhood on the day after Christmas. The tradition continues today - small gifts are often given to delivery workers such as postal staff and children who deliver newspapers.

Making sense of Christmas

Today in the West, not many people consider the religious meaning to Christmas. Most people in UK or Europe will not go to a religious church meeting, even at Christmas. It has become a busy race to spend money on presents, and get ready for the Day. In UK, our shops stay open till late Christmas Eve and often open again on Boxing Day with the cut-price 'sales'. (Not much holiday for the poor shop workers!) A visitor from another world would think that Christmas was a festival to the gods of money and shopping.

What do you want from Christmas?

Many people do hope for more than presents at Christmas. We want to somehow return to a time in our childhood (or some other good time in the past), when life was simpler and made more sense, before the troubles of adult life arrived. We feel sure that behind all the fun and decorations, there must somehow be a message, something more, some key to life, hope and happiness.

So can we look beyond the way Christmas is celebrated today, and find any real meaning, any message for our lives today?

How different countries celebrate Christmas
Do you know what they eat in Latvia on Christmas Day?
The real Christmas Story
What really happened?
How did the story end?
The Manger by Pearlie Walker - Poem
'C H R I S T M A S' by Joan Clifton Costner - Poem
'~ Christmas in the Air ~' by Marie Williams - Poem
'Christmas Memories' by Marie Williams - Poem
Mohinder's true story
Christmas was just a good time to drink extra whisky and beer for Mohinder, until he found the real meaning of Christmas.
The problem page
Christmas can often be a time of debt, stress, worry, loneliness, even suicide.
Our problem pages try to help.

How did Christmas start?

Since about 400 AD, Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus. 'Christ' means 'Messiah' or 'Anointed One' - the title given to Jesus - and 'Mass' was a religious festival.

In the West today, the real meaning of Christmas is often forgotten. It has become a non-religious holiday! More children believe in Father Christmas than in Jesus. Christmas Day is a time for eating and drinking too much and watching television.

But the real Christmas story is found in the Christian Bible. It is told in two different books: Matthew and Luke chapters 1 and 2. If you have no Bible, you can read these chapters online. You may think that the story of the birth of Jesus, and the way that the West celebrates Christmas today, do not seem to have many connections.

Mary says "yes"

Mary & Joseph on journey
copyright New Tribes
These chapters tell how Jesus was born as a baby to Mary. This was no ordinary birth! She was not married, she was a virgin, (yes, really!) and an angel had told her she would bear a special baby. Her husband-to-be, Joseph, did not believe her at first. Who would? Then an angel told him in a dream that it was true! Probably no one else believed it. So when they had to travel from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem (near Jerusalem), to register their names with the ruling Roman government, they probably escaped many hard words from other people.

Arrival in Bethlehem brought worry and upset: there was no room for them to stay at the hotel. There was only space in the stable - the animal house for travellers' donkeys and horses.

Jesus was born that night, and as they had no bed for him, they used an animal feeding box filled with the dry grass the animals ate.

Christmas cards and pictures today make it all seem very nice. In truth, it must have been dirty and frightening for a young couple, far from their home and families. Possibly the birth was premature after the stress of the journey. This was a very poor place for Jesus to start his life on earth.

God's plan?

Christians believe that it was exactly God's plan that things happened this way. They say that it shows that Jesus came as a humble, poor person and not as a strong, rich king. They also claim that the birth of Jesus was told many years before in the books of the prophets.

Five hundred years before, the prophet Micah had said,

"But you Bethlehem, though you are small, out of you will come for me, one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."

The prophet Isaiah had written,

"A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler.

He will be called, "Wonderful Counsellor," "Mighty God," "Eternal Father," "Prince of Peace." His royal power will continue to grow; his kingdom will always be at peace....

He will rule as King David's successor, basing his power on right and justice, from now until the end of time."

These are only two of many prophetic words that told of the birth and life of Jesus, written hundreds of years before His birth.

The shepherds are frightened
Angel & Shepherds
copyright New Tribes
At that time, sheep farmers were seen by other people as low and of no value. Yet it was to these shepherds that the birth of Jesus was first announced in an amazing dramatic way:

"That night there were some men looking after sheep in the fields nearby. Suddenly they saw a great light. It was an angel, who said,

'Don't be afraid. I have good news for you, and for all people. Someone great has been born today. He is Christ, the great King you have been waiting for. He will save you from all that is wrong and evil. You will find him dressed in baby clothes, lying on a bed of dry grass.'"

The story of the wise men

After Jesus was born, wise men came to look for Him, from an area which is now in either Iran or Saudi Arabia. Although they are often called the "Three Kings", the Bible does not say how many there were, or that they were kings. Three is only a guess because they brought with them three gifts.

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh

Three wise men

They were certainly men of learning - probably today we would call them philosophers or scientists. They had seen an unusual new star in the sky, and knew that it told of the birth of a special king. (The star they saw was probably a exploding "supernova" and is known from astronomical records.) They followed the direction of the star and eventually found the place where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were staying. To bring honour to the child, they brought rich gifts: gold, frankincense (a resin which burns with a beautiful smell), and myrrh (plant oil with a very strong sweet smell). These gifts tell us in pictures three key things about Jesus:

Gold: a gift fit for a King

Frankincense: burnt in worship of God

Myrrh: a sign of mortal human-ness - it was used to bury the dead

Jesus a refugee

Herod, the evil king of the area, heard about the child, saw Him as a threat, and sent soldiers to kill Jesus. But God told Joseph in a dream to take Mary and the baby and escape to Egypt. They lived there till King Herod died and then went back to live in Nazareth. We read nothing more about the life of Jesus, except for one story when he was 12, until He reached 30. By the way - note one important thing: Jesus was not a white European, and Christianity is not a Western religion. Christmas cards from different countries often show Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the landscape of that country, and with the racial appearance of that nationality, be it black African, Indian, or Japanese. This is good and right - Jesus came to identify with every racial group. He is "Everyman" for us all.

The end of the story?

Here is a newspaper cartoon printed some years ago, showing Father Christmas reading the Christmas story to a child. "But how did it end?" the child asks. Behind them, you can see the Cross (execution pole) on which Jesus was killed at the age of 33.

Jesus was indeed "the man born to die". But that was not the end of the story. It is still going on, and you can be part of the story, if you wish.

santa and the cross

"But how did it end?"

with permission: courtesy
The Guardian/Observer

No other person has had such an effect on human lives as Jesus. He came back to life again, and millions say they know Him today as a friend and helper in their lives. You owe it to yourself to find out more about Him. Is He who He claimed to be? Can He help us in our lives today? You have nothing to lose! Christmas is the time to stop and think about these important questions.

What Christmas is all about? - Poem

Little Baby Jesus - Poem

The Manger Scene - Poem

Blessed Holy Night -Poem

The Perfect Tree.
A Short Story for Christmas.
Mohinder's true story
Christmas was just a good time to drink more whisky and beer for Mohinder, until he found the real meaning of Christmas.

Finding help in our lives
Can God really meet our needs today?

Use your 'back button' to return to this page

More Christmas links

Send free Online Cards to your friends and loved ones.
All cards are absolutely free

Christmas Card Day
Another free Christmas Card site

Christmas eCards,Santa Claus Cards, Christmas Greetings, Happy Christmas from GreetingsneCards.com
Merry Christmas! Share the Christmas spirit, and wish everyone you know. Have Fun on Christmas with Merry Christmas Greeting Cards, Free Christmas ecards, Christmas Carols, Christmas Greetings

Christmas in Cyperspace
More on the real meaning of Christmas. A top collection of stories, poems, classic literature, calendars, traditions and customs, music and carols, dramas, clipart and more.

Searching for the meaning of Christmas
Another very useful site with many links and lots of information on every part of Christmas. A large section on Christmas customs in many other countries.

RealAudio drama presentation - 'The 12 Voices of Christmas'
If you have a soundcard and RealAudio plug-in, you can listen to the Christmas story, and hear the voices of Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, and the other people who saw the birth of Jesus. A great new way to look at the Christmas Story!

Traditional Christmas colors.

As an adult, have already discovered the truth about Santa--but many children still wonder, with a world of questions. What do you tell them? The St. Nicholas Web site is designed to help. The St. Nicholas Center wants to help your children learn about the real "St Nicholas, lover of the poor and patron saint to children. Kids will enjoy games and fun--and the whole family will gain a deeper perspective on the REAL St. Nick! - Saint Nicholas:

Taking you back to an era of Holiday Traditions we remember as Children. Send a letter to Santa, read holiday stories, Find Christmas carols, lyrics, and arts and crafts. Find Christmas recipes and care for that holiday plant Santa gave you. Track Santa on Christmas Eve.

Santa Letters 4 Kids
Another site where children can receive a letter from Santa!

Christmas Graphics
World's Largest Collection of Christmas graphics!

Christmas Graphics Plus
A free clip art web site which has Christmas as its central theme, and also has galleries for most major holidays.

The First Christmas Tree

Origins of the First Christmas Tree

If you have any sort of concern or worry, please look at our Problem Page.
SOON Online Magazine homepage
The International Ezine with a difference. Problem page, true stories, interviews, "life and how to survive it" section, religion, science, news, ­ your language and country pages, and much more.
Real stories of people who found true happiness.

©copyright SOON Ministries

Contact us

Last Modified 22.October 2008



Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Persahabatan atau pertemanan adalah istilah yang menggambarkan perilaku kerja sama dan saling mendukung antara dua atau lebih entitas sosial. Artikel ini memusatkan perhatian pada pemahaman yang khas dalam hubungan antar pribadi. Dalam pengertian ini, istilah "persahabatan" menggambarkan suatu hubungan yang melibatkan pengetahuan, penghargaan dan afeksi. Sahabat akan menyambut kehadiran sesamanya dan menunjukkan kesetiaan satu sama lain, seringkali hingga pada altruisme. selera mereka biasanya serupa dan mungkin saling bertemu, dan mereka menikmati kegiatan-kegiatan yang mereka sukai. Mereka juga akan terlibat dalam perilaku yang saling menolong, seperti tukar-menukar nasihat dan saling menolong dalam kesulitan. Sahabat adalah orang yang memperlihatkan perilaku yang berbalasan dan reflektif. Namun bagi banyak orang, persahabatan seringkali tidak lebih daripada kepercayaan bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu tidak akan merugikan atau menyakiti mereka.

Nilai yang terdapat dalam persahabatan seringkali apa yang dihasilkan ketika seorang sahabat memperlihatkan secara konsisten:

Seringkali ada anggapan bahwa sahabat sejati sanggup mengungkapkan perasaan-perasaan yang terdalam, yang mungkin tidak dapat diungkapkan, kecuali dalam keadaan-keadaan yang sangat sulit, ketika mereka datang untuk menolong. Dibandingkan dengan hubungan pribadi, persahabatan dianggap lebih dekat daripada sekadar kenalan, meskipun dalam persahabatan atau hubungan antar kenalan terdapat tingkat keintiman yang berbeda-beda. Bagi banyak orang, persahabatan dan hubungan antar kenalan terdapat dalam kontinum yang sama.

Disiplin-disiplin utama yang mempelajari persahabatan adalah sosiologi, antropologi dan zoologi. Berbagai teori tentang persahabatan telah dikemukakan, di antaranya adalah psikologi sosial, teori pertukaran sosial, teori keadilan, dialektika relasional, dan tingkat keakraban. Lihat Hubungan antar-pribadi

Pendidikan di Indonesia

Pendidikan di Indonesia
Written by Kastrat KM
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 13:31
Pendidikan dalam bahasa Yunani berasal dari kata padegogik yaitu ilmu menuntun anak. Orang Romawi melihat pendidikan sebagai educare, yaitu mengeluarkan dan menuntun, tindakan merealisasikan potensi anak yang dibawa waktu dilahirkan di dunia. Bangsa Jerman melihat pendidikan sebagai Erziehung yang setara dengan educare, yakni : membangkitkan kekuatan terpendam atau mengaktifkan kekuatan atau potensi anak. Dalam bahasa Jawa, pendidikan berarti panggulawentah (pengolahan - Red), mengolah, mengubah kejiwaan, mematangkan perasaan, pikiran, kemauan dan watak, mengubah kepribadian sang anak.

Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) pendidikan berasal dari kata dasar didik (mendidik), yaitu : memelihara dan memberi latihan (ajaran, pimpinan) mengenai akhlak dan kecerdasan pikiran. Sedangkan pendidikan mempunyai pengertian : proses pengubahan sikap dan tata laku seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam usaha mendewasakan manusia melalui upaya pengajaran dan latihan, proses perbuatan, cara mendidik. Ki Hajar Dewantara mengartikan pendidikan sebagai daya upaya untuk memajukan budi pekerti, pikiran serta jasmani anak, agar dapat memajukan kesempurnaan hidup yaitu hidup dan menghidupkan anak yang selaras dengan alam dan masyarakatnya.

Dari pengertian-pengertian dan analisis yang ada maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan adalah upaya menuntun anak sejak lahir untuk mencapai kedewasaan jasmani dan rohani, dalam interaksi alam beserta lingkungannya.

Dalam pendidikan terdapat dua hal penting yaitu aspek kognitif (berpikir) dan aspek afektif (merasa). Sebagai ilustrasi, saat kita mempelajari sesuatu maka di dalamnya tidak saja proses berpikir yang ambil bagian tapi juga ada unsur-unsur yang berkaitan dengan perasaan seperti semangat, suka dan lain-lain. Substansi pendidikan menurut Ki Hajar Dewantara adalah membebaskan manusia dan menurut Drikarya adalah memanusiakan manusia. Ini menunjukan bahwa para pakar pun menilai bahwa pendidikan tidak hanya sekedar memperhatikan aspek kognitif saja tapi cakupannya harus lebih luas.

Bagaimana dengan pendidikan di Indonesia?
Apakah pendidikan di Indonesia memperhatikan permasalahan detail seperti ini? Inilah salah satu kesalahan terbesar metode pendidikan yang dikembangkan di Indonesia. Pendidikan kita sangat tidak memperhatikan aspek afektif (merasa), sehingga kita hanya tercetak sebagai generasi-generasi yang pintar tapi tidak memiliki karakter-karakter yang dibutuhkan oleh bangsa ini. Sudah 45 tahun Indonesia merdeka, dan setiap tahunnya keluar ribuan hingga jutaan kaum intelektual. Tapi tak kuasa mengubah nasib bangsa ini. Maka pasti ada yang salah dengan sistem pendidikan yang kita kembangkan hingga saat ini.

Kesalahan kedua, sistem pendidikan yang top-down atau dari atas kebawah. Freire menyebutnya dengan banking-system. Dalam artian peserta didik dianggap sebagai safe-deposit-box dimana guru mentransfer bahan ajar kepada peserta didik. Dan sewaktu-waktu jika itu diperlukan maka akan diambil dan dipergunakan. Jadi peserta didik hanya menampung apa yang disampaikan guru tanpa mencoba untuk berpikir lebih jauh tentang apa yang diterimanya, atau minimal terjadi proses seleksi kritis tentang bahan ajar yang ia terima. Dalam istilah bahasa arab pendidikan seperti ini dikatakan sebagai taqlid. Artinya menerima atau mengikuti apa saja yang dikatakan oleh para pendidik. Dan ini tidak sejalan dengan substansi pendidikan yang membebaskan manusia (Ki Hajar Dewantara).

Kesalahan ketiga, Saat ini terjadi penyempitan makna dari pendidikan itu sendiri ketika istilah-istilah industri mulai meracuni istilah istilah pendidikan. Di tandai dengan bergantinya manusia menjadi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM).

Kids with Attitude Problems

Kids with Attitude Problems

We've Got a Big Problem
Many parents assume that attitude isn't something that develops until the preadolescent or teen years. But times have changed, and any parent paying attention now realizes that even a four-year-old can have all the full-blown symptoms of a bad attitude. And boy, can they make us miserable: their sass, back talk, and greedy, manipulative, bossy, and even defiant ways let us know in no uncertain terms that these little critters are on the road to poor character and a lack of moral intelligence – not to mention the damage their attitude can do to your family harmony. So don't think for a minute that bad attitude starts only when kids start watching MTV, talking on cell phones, sending instant e-mail messages, and playing video games.

Of course, they don't start out that way: the onset of a bad attitude has usually begun with smaller but definitely annoying actions – a whiny tone, a fresh comment, or a quiet rebuttal of an adult's request. Parents usually assumed their kids' conduct was "just a phase" or a single slip, and let it slide. And there lies our mistake. If not nipped early, this ailment spreads easily. Do beware: bad attitudes are highly contagious. If there are other siblings in the house, chances are they will catch it, too.

One thing is clear: there does seem to be an epidemic of overindulged, demanding, rude kids with attitudes, and everyone seems to agree. Lawmakers, doctors, clergy, businesspeople, educators, parents, and the general public alike have voiced their concerns about the growing breed of overindulged youth. Just review some of the troubling facts in the Bad Attitude News Alerts scattered throughout this book (Don't Give Me That Attitude by Michele Borba, Ed.D.).

Kids with bad attitude come in all sizes, both genders, all ages, and all cultures. They can be rich or poor; reside in rural, urban, or suburban areas; attend private or public school; have multiple siblings or be only children; live with a single parent or with both. The diversity of their lives seems to have little bearing on whether they acquire the dreaded ailment, although there is one factor that clearly is the greatest predictor for getting the disease: kids were allowed to develop the bad attitude without opposition, and because there was no resistance or reaction, these bad attitudes flourished and grew.

Take The Bad Attitude Intelligence Test to see how much you know about your children's bad attitudes, and find out how you can change them.
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More on: Behavior

Excerpted from:

From Don't Give Me That Attitude by Michele Borba, Ed.D. Copyright © 2004 by Michele Borba. All rights reserved. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Buy the book at www.amazon.com.


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